


As we age, even if we’re healthy, the heart just isn’t as efficient in processing oxygen as it used to be. In most people the first signs show up in their 50s or early 60s. And among people who don’t exercise, the changes can start even sooner.

“Think of a rubber band. In the beginning, it is flexible, but put it in a drawer for 20 years and it will become dry and easily broken,” says Dr. Ben Levine, a heart specialist at the University of Texas. That’s what happens to the heart. Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven’t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.

Levine and his research team selected volunteers aged between 45 and 64 who did not exercise much but were otherwise healthy. Participants were randomly divided into two groups. The first group participated in a program of nonaerobic (无氧) exercise—balance training and weight training—three times a week. The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week. After two years, the second group saw remarkable improvements in heart health.

“We took these 50-year-old hearts and turned the clock back to 30-or 35-year-old hearts,” says Levine. “And the reason they got so much stronger and fitter was that their hearts could now fill a lot better and pump (泵送) a lot more blood during exercise.” But the hearts of those who participated in less intense exercise didn’t change, he says.

“The sweet spot in life to start exercising, if you haven’t already, is in late middle age when the heart still has flexibility,” Levine says. “We put healthy 70-year-olds through a yearlong exercise training program, and nothing happened to them at all.”

Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association, says Levine’s findings are a great start. But the study was small and needs to be repeated with far larger groups of people to determine exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference.

32. What does Levine want to explain by mentioning the rubber band?

A. The right way of exercising.

B. The causes of a heart attack.

C. The difficulty of keeping fit.

D. The aging process of the heart.

33. In which aspect were the two groups different in terms of research design?

A. Diet plan.

B. Professional background.

C. Exercise type.

D. Previous physical condition.

34. What does Levine’s research find?

A. Middle-aged hearts get younger with aerobic exercise.

B. High-intensity exercise is more suitable for the young.

C. It is never too late for people to start taking exercise.

D. The more exercise we do the stronger our hearts get.

35. What does Dr. Nieca Goldberg suggest?

A.Making use of the findings.

B.Interviewing the study participants.

C.Conducting further research.

D.Clarifying the purpose of the study.

参考答案:D C A C




32.本题应选D。推理判断题。根据第二段“Think of a rubber band. In the beginning, it is flexible, but put it in a drawer for 20 years and it will become dry and easily broken,” says Dr. Ben Levine, a heart specialist at the University of Texas. That’s what happens to the heart.“想象一下橡皮筋。一开始,它是灵活的,但把它放在抽屉里20年,它就会变得干燥,很容易断,”德克萨斯大学的心脏专家本·莱文博士说。这就是心脏的变化。”由此可知,莱文提到橡皮筋的变化是为了解释心脏老化的过程,因此应选D。选项含义:A.正确的锻炼方式。 B.心脏病发作的原因。 C.保持健康的困难。 D.心脏的老化过程。

33. 本题应选C。推理判断题。根据第三段的The first group participated in a program of nonaerobic exercise—balance training and weight training—three times a week. The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week.第一组参加每周三次的非有氧运动–平衡训练和重量训练。第二组在教练的指导下每周进行四天或更多的高强度有氧运动。由此可知,在研究设计方面研究人员为两组设计了不同类型的运动,因此应选C。选项含义:A.饮食计划。B.专业背景。C.锻炼类型。D.以前的身体状况。

34.本题应选A。细节理解题。根据第三段的The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week. After two years, the second group saw remarkable improvements in heart health.第二组在教练的指导下每周进行四天或更多的高强度有氧运动。两年后,第二组的心脏健康状况有了显著改善。

和第四段的“We took these 50-year-old hearts and turned the clock back to 30-or 35-year-old hearts,” says Levine.莱文说:“我们把这些50岁的心脏转回30或35岁的心脏。”由此可知,莱文的研究发现通过有氧运动,中年人的心脏会变得更年轻,因此应选A。选项含义:A.有氧运动使中年人的心脏更年轻。 B.高强度运动更适合年轻人。 C.人们开始锻炼身体永远都不晚。 D.我们运动得越多,心脏就越强壮。

35.本题应选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段But the study was small and needs to be repeated with far larger groups of people to determine exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference.但这项研究的规模较小,需要在更大的人群中重复进行,以确定日常锻炼的哪些方面会产生最大的影响。由此可知,Dr. Nieca Goldberg 建议进行进一步的研究。因此应选C。选项含义:A.利用调查结果。B.采访研究参与者。 C.进行进一步研究。D.阐明研究的目的。


1.Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven’t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.


句式结构:本句为主从复合句,主要结构:Levine is finding that…,that引导的是宾语从句,Fortunately for those in midlife为状语,宾语从句中getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.为主句,even if引导的让步状语从句。

2.But the study was small and needs to be repeated with far larger groups of people to determine exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference.


句式结构:本句为主从复合句,主要结构为:the study was small and needs to be repeated,句中to determine exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference.作目的状语,which引导的宾语从句。


efficient adj. 效率高的 process v处理,加工 n步骤,程序 oxygen n氧气 flexible adj 灵活的,柔韧的flexibility n灵活性 specialist n专家,专科医生participant n参与者 participatev参与 randomly adv随机地 guidance n指导aspect n方面,特色


1.As we

age, even if we’re healthy, the heart just isn’t as efficient in processing oxygen as it used to be. age v变老,老化

2.Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven’t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your

aging heart. aging adj变老的,衰老的

3.Levine and his research team selected volunteers

aged between 45 and 64 who did not exercise much but were otherwise healthy. aged adj……岁的

4.“The sweet spot in life to start exercising, if you haven’t already, is in late middle

agewhen the heart still has flexibility,” Levine says. age n年龄


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