







A study suggests that when people are under chronic stress for years, our mitochondrial enzymes weaken and have less capacity to create ATP. Our cells become prematurely aged andinflamed. The good news is, when we feel positive emotions daily, our mitochondria arerevvedup, producing lots of energy each day. Here are a few ways to create that positivity andtame the beastofchronic stress:

Redirect attention from threat to joy. We can shape our environments to protect us from constant red alerts. Our attentiongravitates to threatening information, as our screens so frequently deliver. To protect your precious attention and energy stores, turn off unnecessary alerts on your devices. Create spacious breaks within the day to unplug and focus on something restorative. Shift your attention to being present, to what you can feel grateful for, to connection with others.

Immerse in green. Being in crowded and busy places sends our bodies signals of danger. Nature facilitates the opposite, calming our minds. Thus we can recharge our batteries with green space time — seek a park or gardens for sensory immersion that signals safety to our bodies. (Yoga, meditation or slow breathing, even for a few minutes, are also potent ways to recharge.)




1. inflame

单词inflame = in + flame,字面意思是“to cause to burn”or“to heat, make hot, cause inflammation”, 像是“拱火”,作动词用它可以表示 “使(局势)恶化;使更棘手”,也可以表示“激起 … 的强烈感情;(尤指)使愤怒,使激动”。

外刊例句:His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.他的评论激怒了全国教师。


flame:单词flame和blaze有三个相同的字母,作动词用可以表示“燃烧”,作名词用可以表示“火焰;火舌”,如例句:Strong winds may also strengthen the flames. 强风可能也会助推火势。知道了flame,那么单词flammable自然就是“易燃的;可燃的”之意。

fume:单词fume和flame有三个相同的字母,它们的意思也有关联。fume可以表示“冒烟;冒气”,如例句:Television images showed white fumes spreading in the hospital area, causing panic. 电视画面显示,白色烟雾在医院区域扩散,引起恐慌。fume作动词用还可以表示“发怒,愤怒”的意思。

inflamed:形容词inflamed可以表示“愤怒的;非常激动的”,也可以表示“发炎的;红肿的”,这两个意思都和“火烧的感觉”一样,举个例子:Is it contagious, feverish, infected or inflamed? 它是传染, 发烧、感染还是发炎?

inflammation:知道inflamed,那么inflammation就很好记忆,它的意思是“发炎;炎症”,如例句:Such cells also emit chemical signals which promote inflammation, and thus encourage tumors. 这些老化细胞会释放出引发炎症的化学信号,并进一步诱发肿瘤。

2. revved 发动机的旋转



e.g. He stuck the car in first and revved. 他挂上了一挡,开动了汽车。

3. gravitateTo move or be drawn toward something, especially by natural tendency or as if by an invisible force. 被吸引;受吸引作用


Gravitate to / toward (s) sb / sth 被吸引到;受吸引而转向

E.g. On hot evenings, the town’s social life gravitated toward the lakefront, where you could stroll the long piers eating ice cream or dance at the old Casino. 天气炎热,晚上小镇居民都在湖边开展社交生活,在那你可以在长长的码头漫步,吃着冰激凌,或者在老赌场跳跳舞。



tame the beast of:驯服**猛兽

非常形象的说法,可以用在表示不好的事物之前,比如说 tame the beast of anger


Here are a few ways to create that positivity and tame the beast of chronic stress:

1) Redirect attention from threat to joy.

2) Immerse in green.




A study suggests that when people are under chronic stress for years, our mitochondrial enzymes weaken and have less capacity to create ATP. Our cells become prematurely aged and inflamed. The good news is, when we feel positive emotions daily, our mitochondria are revved up, producing lots of energy each day. Here are a few ways to create that positivity and tame the beast of chronic stress:

Redirect attention from threat to joy. We can shape our environments to protect us from constant red alerts. Our attention gravitates to threatening information, as our screens so frequently deliver. To protect your precious attention and energy stores, turn off unnecessary alerts on your devices. Create spacious breaks within the day to unplug and focus on something restorative. Shift your attention to being present, to what you can feel grateful for, to connection with others.

Immerse in green. Being in crowded and busy places sends our bodies signals of danger. Nature facilitates the opposite, calming our minds. Thus we can recharge our batteries with green space time — seek a park or gardens for sensory immersion that signals safety to our bodies. (Yoga, meditation or slow breathing, even for a few minutes, are also potent ways to recharge.)





Reading Questions:

1. What is ATP and why is it important?

2. What happens to our cells when we are under chronic stress?

3. What are some ways to create positivity and tame the beast of chronic stress?

4. 跟读+模仿(这是学习英语口语最好的方法),群提交语音作品



Answer: ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule that functions as the main energy source for cells. It is important because it helps to provide energy to the cells, allowing them to perform their necessary functions.


Answer: When we are under chronic stress for years, our mitochondrial enzymes weaken and have less capacity to create ATP. Our cells become prematurely aged and inflamed.


AAnswer: Some ways to create positivity and tame the beast of chronic stress include getting adequate sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, spending time in nature, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation.



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